I went out and took some photos at a night skate session with some people from work. They were filming with some other guys that really don't know skateboarding...at all. Or at least what all is involved in a skate vid. It got annoying after awhile.
The session was killed by various reasons, sprinklers being the straw that broke the camel's back. Nobody landed anything so the session was a wash.
I strobed the stair set with two flashes on pocketwizards. It was difficult with so many people skating and trying different tricks. It was set up for basically one angle. More strobes on different channels would be sweet. You could have one set for one side, and another set on a different transmitter channel for the other.
Here are some outtakes. Keep in mind, nothing was landed.

Jeff B. among a myriad of filmers.

Charlie attempting a f/s 360.