Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Gear

I'm pretty excited about some new gear I just procured. I got the PocketWizard Plus II. It's no Multimax, but I can't afford the $300 ea. for those.

Goodbye, infra-red. Hello, radio transmitter.


The Setup

Yep, still rockin' the 550ex.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Saturday Skate

This past weekend Rick, J.Lo and I went downtown for a skate session. It was a successful day of skateboarding and picture taking. The light was unbelievably good.

Here are three different versions of the same trick.

Kickflip. John was skating in some new shoes. I was jealous.

Kickflip Sequence
Sequence of the same kickflip.

Kickflip r/a
This is actually a different attempt, not a remote. Same trick, different angle though.

Dead Pigeon
A dead pigeon. According to Rick I'm a "sicko" for taking this photo.


I believe Rick was looking at a vagrant who moments before tried, with broken English, to sell me a janky old skateboard, either found or stolen, for $1.

High Five
This is probably my favorite picture from the day. I gave John a high five after he successfully landed a backside flip over the same gap you saw in the kickflip photos. Unfortunately I panned too quickly on the sequence of said backside flip and the photos didn't look very good.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Downtown Skate Session

Brick 2
Rick and I went downtown to check out some spots and found this picturesque brick building.

Brick 4
The sun was reflecting off a window and intensified the brightness and heat. It created a literal hot light. I believe Rick's face was beginning to sizzle.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do it

I Voted

If you're apathetic then don't fucking complain.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New boots!!

Snowboard boots to be exact. I went into SBI yesterday to check out some beanies and browse their current shoe selection. I didn't find anything I liked in either selections so I wondered over to the snowboarding section. There were some badass sales on gear from previous seasons. I've been needing some new boots for a while now so I was checking them out. There happened to be a pair of ThirtyTwos on sale for $75! Fuck yea! They were the last pair and happened to be in my size. Boo yaaa!


Boots 2

The set-up I used to take the photos was pretty janky.

Boots 3

Yep in my closet with black shirts for the background. You have to work with what you've got.

Sunday, October 12, 2008



My brother and his family are in town this weekend for his high school reunion. My nephews Josh and Sam were playing with the Radio Flyer and Josh wanted up.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

San Francisco


I love this city. It's one of my favorite places to be.

Katrina and I recently went to the Treasure Island Music Festival and spent the weekend in the city. Headlining the first day was Justice, who fucking kiiiilled it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Recent sessions

Here are a couple photos from some recent skate sessions.

Central High

J.Lo at the Central High ledges.


Rick was hot. We did a ridiculous amount of sweeping at this spot due to the broken glass, mostly from beer bottles, that was everywhere. It was well worth it, though. Notice the broom in the background.

Monday, September 22, 2008


I want to ride my bicycle; I want to ride my bike. I want to ride my bicycle; I want to ride it where I like.

It's a song, look it up.


I've started riding my dad's road bike to school on Mondays. It's a round trip of about 22 miles. The exercise feels quite good.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Mac

I recently procured a new MacbookPro and I've been thoroughly enjoying it, which is, I'm sure, much to the chagrin of Rick.
And speaking of Rick, I do realize how similar my blog looks to his. But seriously (which Rick is not) every other template option is fucking horrible, thus, this.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time for some new shoes

This is the inaugural post of Time For Some New Shoes. It will be mostly photo oriented.

The name comes from the fact that I need some new shoes. That's pretty much it.

The Lakai Howard Selects. I love these shoes with all my heart but they are in need of replacement.

