Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Saturday Skate

This past weekend Rick, J.Lo and I went downtown for a skate session. It was a successful day of skateboarding and picture taking. The light was unbelievably good.

Here are three different versions of the same trick.

Kickflip. John was skating in some new shoes. I was jealous.

Kickflip Sequence
Sequence of the same kickflip.

Kickflip r/a
This is actually a different attempt, not a remote. Same trick, different angle though.

Dead Pigeon
A dead pigeon. According to Rick I'm a "sicko" for taking this photo.


I believe Rick was looking at a vagrant who moments before tried, with broken English, to sell me a janky old skateboard, either found or stolen, for $1.

High Five
This is probably my favorite picture from the day. I gave John a high five after he successfully landed a backside flip over the same gap you saw in the kickflip photos. Unfortunately I panned too quickly on the sequence of said backside flip and the photos didn't look very good.


Rick is not Serious said...
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Rick is not Serious said...

Pidgins fuckin' suck, I take back the sickoness. I think in the landscape photo I was pretty pissed cause my tricks weren't coming out how I would like (not happening at all.) I left this same comment but without the "how" in the sentence about my tricks not working out. Would have been pretty lame without the "how."

andrew said...

Yea, they are pretty fucking dirty animals.
Aah, well there ya go. I wasn't actually sure what the look was, so I added some interesting happenings about the day.

Anonymous said...

My favorite's the one right after the icky bird photo :D