Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Re-branded and new layout

Well, well, well. Time For Some New Shoes has gone the way of the wind. It lost relevance and it was time for a change - re-branding and new layout. AIG will inevitably have to do the same but for far different reasons. Eh, eh, eh.

This is the start of Fresh Sessions, dedicated to sessions of various natures, whether it be skate, snow, photo, or other. Like TFSNS, Fresh Sessions will primarily be photo oriented. Really, the new name is just tailored to what I've been recently posting. I figured you can only talk about needing new shoes for a limited time before deviating, which is what happened. I finally found a direction and I'm going with it. Hopefully the change will motivate me to post more often too.

Also, don't forget the new url. freshsessions.blogspot.com

Thanks for stickin' with it.

- The Editor.


Anonymous said...

I really like the new name!

Anonymous said...

Ya, the demonization of the company from all of congress covering their own asses.